Build Managed Services
for Security
Become a ‘Trusted Advisor’
Just for Kaspersky the team of MSP analysts from Canalys conducted special research on MSP market insights.

The increasing digitization of customers’ businesses is putting further pressure on the consistent skills gap in IT which increases the need for outsourced IT services. That digitization is also fueling the exponential growth in cyber criminality, which in turn drives the need for more critical security managed services.

Since 2005, at least 55 billion data records have been compromised in 900 known breaches .

77% of these data records were compromised in the last two years alone, with 2020 being the worst year on record.

MSPs around the world face similar challenges

Sales compensation models

Automate the manual

Be your own MSP

Customer complexity

Shift to subscriptions

Compliance & regulation

Standard operating
procedures and templates


Shifting business models

Internal IT assessment

Developer and
security skills

Increased security threats


Digital marketing

Find out more

The gap between MSPs and MSSPs is getting smaller; any MSP that does not have a security-first posture is a risk for its customers.

MSPs will need to become their own MSSPs. MSPs are increasingly the key attack vector for hackers, and customer scrutiny will only grow.

Building an MSSP practice can be complex, but improving your own cyber posture is one of the strongest opportunities for developing auditing and deployment frameworks for your customers.

What can MSPs do today?

Self-awareness is the start of growth

What can MSPs do tomorrow?

Build your skills base over time

What can MSPs do in the long run?

Leveraging SOC skills is the key to MSSP


“Becoming a trusted advisor is not a mythical status. You are probably already one for some of your customers. The most important part is understanding what makes you one.”

Robin Ody, Senior Analyst, Canalys

Trusted advisors are not born they are made.

Find out more about each step

The benefits of being a trusted advisor multiply

“The cost of losing a customer
is 6X higher than the cost of
retaining one.”
Decreased churn
means decreased
Customer retention
helps solution
Improved retention
means less strain
on sales
“Existing customers are where
we can expand, because they
trust us to deliver.
Sales can focus
on new customer
Your team can grow
to take on new skills
Product development
can grow IP

Contact us to discuss the benefits
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