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Download the Whitepaper

Safeguarding assets and data from today’s omnipresent and malicious cyber threats entails a clear understanding, and the monitoring of, an organization’s end-to-end architecture. It requires experienced security professionals to process and decipher true threats from false positives, as well as deep investments to predict and prevent future attacks. Many small to midsize enterprises lack these resources and outsource MDR/MxDR functions to third-party providers that not only promise cost efficiencies, but also keep businesses compliant with ever-changing industry regulations.

Read the IDC Info Snapshot, Curating Trusted Partnerships by Building a Secure, Robust, and Profitable Ecosystem, to discover out how to find the right technology supplier for efficient, scalable, and profitable service delivery.

*The IDC Info Snapshot, “Curating Trusted Partnerships by Building a Secure, Robust, and Profitable Ecosystem”, is commissioned by Kaspersky.

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